Second leg.  Cherbourg-Lisboa 23rd November

November 24, 2024

The airport, Maupertus, at Cherbourg looked much much better than the previous day. The runway was clean and dry and so looked Pilatypus. Her hull looked shining like a brand new aircraft.

We put our luggage on board and we made a fast and uneventfull flight to Lisboa. Our SOG was over 300 knots but decreased half way to 250 knots when the wind backed some 60 degrees.

At Lisboa the usual procedure: taking fuel, unloading our luggage from the aircraft and preparing our rent-a-car to drive to our hotel Palace Torel.

The next day we proceeded to Marie Billyard Leake, living in a beautifull place at Évora close to the border with Spain, where we will stay until Monday 26th.

Post by Harry Heijst | November 24, 2024 |