End of our Rolex Fastnet Race 2023.

July 27, 2023

Albert Thissen was so kind as to give us a lift in Sophie’s car to Winsome in marina Chantereyne/Cherbourg. We left at around 9am with 1.700 rpm on the engine which gave us a speed of 6 knots. 

It took us until 10pm to reach Cowes. We have had 8 hours sun and 5 hours rain and clouds.

78 + 78 = 156 years

Since we wanted to get the Cottage as soon as possible, we left Winsome at the RYS haven.

A glass of wine and then to bed. Boj must have been dreaming of his new mobile phone since his present one started to cook and certainly felt like 30 degrees C.

Now, on Thursday, he is looking for a new one in Southampton.

This will be my last blog regarding the Rolex Fastnet Race 2023. We are happy that Pintia won her Class IRC-1 wich must have erased any memories to their unfortunate Fastnet Race 2021 (..).

It has been Patricia Jenkins/RORC and MUSTO who inspired me to wrote these blogs Thank both of you.

We are certainly not happy that we had to retire from the race, but we are looking forward already for Cowes Week starting Saturday 29th of July. Five crew members are the same and four are on their way to Cowes.

Post by Harry Heijst | July 27, 2023 |


  1. So sorry that your Fastnet came to an early end, but looking on the bright side, it gives you all time to recover and get the lovely Winsome ready for Cowes Week. Much love, fair weather and good sailing to you all! x

    by Angela Lamont | 27 Jul 2023 | 18:15
  2. Ik kijk nu al weer uit naar het volgende verslag, Mooie foto van 156 wijze jaren op de Winsome! Heel benieuwd welk thema jullie bespraken ;-).

    by monique | 30 Jul 2023 | 09:21