Continuation of our trip to Tasmania
November 9, 2010
We left indeed Dubai for Ahmedabad, not without many problems at the airport thanks to our incompetent and lazy handling Agent.
The Agent of BigLift Mr Suresh Iyer visited us and promised to book our hotel in Kolkata. He did that very well and we want to thank him for that.
Contrary to expectations we had a very nice treatment in Ahmedabab after a trip of four hours. The Agent and fuellers insisted to be on the photograph with us. All in all we stayed not even one hour and left for Kolkata, taking another four hours. It became one of our most exhausting days sofar.
Kolkata was something very special. After two hours at the airport for immigration, sealing the a/c etc we found a very small cab. We came in the middle of a festival. Unbelievable what we have in these two hours taxi trip. Only the next day Urs took some pictures. The real life in India. We both must have ashamed about our own luxurious life. People looked happy and content despite their miserable circumstances. Neverthless we both felt happy not have been born in Kolkata.
A short sleep, say four hours, and off to the airport. Again most friendly people. We took fuel, paid and left for a five hours trip to Phuket. Pilatypus went like a space shuttle.
In Phuket we quickly took fuel and looked for a hotel which as I discovered later must have been booked by Martin already. Another one however.
The hardest part of our trip is still alead of us since we are going to meet La Christina in Medan/Atjeh tomorrow!
Story to be continued. This one was relayed by phone only.
Post by Harry Heijst | November 9, 2010 |
Dankzij de reparatie van de Yaw damper actuator is er geen kans meer op een “Dutch roll”.
Dat lijkt mij een rustgevend gevoel te kunnen geven.
Veel plezier met het vervolg van dit avontuur.
Dear Harry, Selamat datang ke Indonesia! (Welcome in Indonesia)
As I have been in Indonesia not so long ago, here are some language must-knows:
Apa kabar? (How are you?)
You answer with Baik (Ok) or Bagus (Good)
And remember to say Thank you: Terimah Kasih!
I hope you have a good time in Indonesia, just as I did not so long ago.
Love, Julia
PS: Mevrouw Van Beuningen says hello!