Rolex Fastnet Race. Day 6 second part. The continued bad luck story.
August 14, 2009
The Gods must be very angry with us, but we have no Iphigneia on board to offer her for better winds and no one volunteered.
After a long long day with little wind but with at least some kind of progress, the wind completely died at 5nM from Bishop Rock which we had hoped to reach hours and hours ago.
Our speed over ground is now down to 1.2 knots with a direction with more than 40 degrees off Bishop Rock.
Most of the other boats in our Class are having speeds of 5=6 knots and are getting further and further away from us.
We have played and lost but no one on board is in a bad mood. We just did not have t he slightest luck after our initial misfortunes in this race.
Post by Harry Heijst | August 14, 2009 |