Our stay in Nice and the sixt leg Nice-Vienna 30 November-3 December
December 3, 2024
We had a good time in Nice, also thanks to the efforts of a friend resp, ex neighbour Rodolphe Frégé, who organised a very pleasant hotel belonging to his company. It is overlooking the bay of Nice.
The airport – Nice Côte d’Azur, was gigantic but fortunately there were in the off-season only some 20 aircrafts parked, whilst there was space enough for hundreds of them.

Then we met an old friend of me with whom I lost contact since 30-40 years Marnix van Overklift, with his wife Irma. We had contact when he worked for Seatrade and now we regained contact since Spliethoff’s merger with ForestWave.
Our flight from Nice to Vienna -upto 30.000’ at minus 50 degrees Celcius- took us 2,5 hours and had beautifull sceneries of Italy, Croatia and Austria.
The airport at Vienna, was even larger than the one of Nice.

We are coming close ot the end of our trip when we will leave Vienna on Wednesday 4 December.
Post by Harry Heijst | December 3, 2024 |