2020 coming up!

December 18, 2019

Dear All,
Once again, WINSOME is at the Race Boat Spa in Lymington. Although she will look as pretty as alway by the beginning of the season, here is an insight of what happens under the skin. 
Nose Job:

Smooth bottom:

Serious talks;

The Crown Jewels:

Over the winter some bigger and smaller changes will be made to the electrical department, including a ‘corrosion monitor’, a new rugged notebook and of course software updates.We know most of our serious opponents keep a close look at our website, so I won’t elaborate too much on what happens underneath the bonnet. Please find attached the WINSOME Programme for next year. Please let me know your intentions. (click to enlarge)

Wishing you and your families all the best for Christmas and Newyear. Hope to see you soon!


Post by Boj | December 18, 2019 |