9th leg. Harare-Durban
December 2, 2012
Usually we give marks to our Handling Agents -to compare- so this time it was not higher than a 4. If we would have had to give a mark for friendliness it would have been a 9. The handling was unefficient, arriving half an hour late at the airport, not having our Briefing Papers etc.
We could take off just in time and had a smooth flight of four hours. Out of these fours hours we did fly three hours without a Squawk Code [for sailors similar to a Transponder Code at sea]. Finally one was given to us by Durban Approach.
short final RWY 06 at Durban FALE
The Durban Airport is state of the art. New, clean with all facilities. It was the first time that we had a modern and clean taxi which was not already packed with personal stuff of the driver or his family.
The roads are good, again clean. Still Durban is going downhill and is not safe at night at all. No walking was recommended. Our guest house, the 2nd one on this trip, is fabulous.
Tomorrow we will take off for Capetown. The blog may incur a delay this weekend since the big chief (you see how quickly our vocabulary is changing) will take a break after two days of heavy blog duties.
Post by Harry Heijst | December 2, 2012 |