RORC Channel Race 2010; lost last chance for Championship
July 26, 2010
Crew: Carien, Leen, Wout, Francois, Floris, Hendrik, Jasper and myself.
We had a good start, within 2 seconds from the gun over the line, under Genoa I Light. All went well until we met an hour in the race or so British Soldier. British Soldier sailed on starboard tack so had the right of way. We failed to either duck in time or tack in time. No decision was taken. Francois asked British Soldier at the last moment permission to go in front of them to which came no response. The result was that British Soldier had to deviate to avoid a collision with Winsome and protested us. We had no option but to make 2 times a 360 degrees turn which brought us from the front to the end of the fleet.
The entire race this incident has followed us since first of all the other boats reached earlier Hurst Castle so get a better tide and enlarged their distance to us. Then they reached earlier East Shambled and with a turning tide they increased their lead again and the very same thing happened at the Orange Inflatable Buoy SW of Bembrigde.
From E Shambles we did run for 62 Nm under spinaker but under an angle quite favourable to all J-boats. Only the last 10Nm all J-boats had to bear away and lost some ground to us, but not enough.
Once closing in towards No Mans Lands all cards still appeared to be open i.e. Solan Goose of Hamble was within reach with 40 minutes difference according to our ratings as well as Psipsina. Y0u have to realize to understand this story that both vessels were ahead of us. Once we passed No Mans Land the wind died completely and it took us at least 55 minutes to cover the last Nm.
So now we have lost our last chance to win the 2010 RORC Championship of IRC-2 Class and we do congratulate Fogging Dew!
Basically everything went fine, including boat handling, sail changes and superb food by Floris, except for our misfortune or say mistake in the very beginning of the race which we could never recover. It was a fast race in spite of the lack of wind since all legs, except the very last one were sailed in favourable tides. The race started Saturday 1000 and we did cover 130Nm until Sunday early morning 04:36.
We feel bad about our bad mistake/judgement but otherwise there is no reason to be disappointed. We have played and lost but the boat is in good shape and ready to go for Cowes Week 2010 and thereafter for Sevenstar Round Britain & Ireland Race 2010.
During Cowes Week there will be report of each and every race on a daily basis on this website.
Best regards
Post by Harry Heijst | July 26, 2010 |