At Tasman Sea

December 9, 2008

Winds changed and are now coming from the West. Blowing 25 gusting 30 knots. We are still under full Main and Genoa III. TWD 347 boatspeed 7,5 to 8 knots. SOG nearly the same since also the tide looks like coming from the shore at 1,3 knots.

Our present position Wednesday 10 December at 0715 LT after having covered 291Nm since we left Brisbane

S  30degr 46min
E 153degr 53min

or 47Nm East of Smoky Cape with still 226 Nm to go to Sydney NSW.

All is going well on board except that we are a bit short on food now.

Best regards from all four of us on board.

Post by Harry Heijst | December 9, 2008 |

1 Comment

  1. Hallo jongens, wat leuk om jullie zo te volgen ! Wel uitkijken dat jullie niet zonder eten komen te
    zitten ! Gaat René wat
    beter ? Doet Wout een beetje normaal ? Gaan Harry en Theun goed ?ik blijf vol spanning jullie vooruitgang volgen. Please take care en veel plezier ! Tot horens



    by Mireille | 09 Dec 2008 | 22:56